You may feel impassioned to start your business, feeling high from having a wonderful business...
Smart Goals and Marketing Campaigns
First, let's talk about goals. We all have them, we all have dreams and aspirations. Take the old new years resolutions for example. How often do you accomplish them? Chances are, not very often. Do you ever wonder why that is? You have not created a smart goal! What makes it smart? Its an acronym!
Smart goals have a lot to do with marketing campaigns and determining if they are successful or not. The first aspect of this is specific. When creating a campaign, the thought most palpable in your mind is what EXACTLY is your goal? For example, the goal of one marketing campaign might be to bring in new active followers on Instagram.
The next part of this idea is measurability. So to the goal above, we add the goal of one marketing campaign might be to bring in 20 new active followers on Instagram.
Following this, we must check in with ourselves. Is this an attainable goal? If you cannot answer yes, go back to step one. This more or less mixes in with the idea being realistic. You want to make sure you are setting yourself up for success. One tool I like to use is incremental goals. Even if you are setting up smaller goals and reaching them, you can add more to them later.
The final part of this goal is a timeline. the goal of one marketing campaign might be to bring in new active followers on Instagram by the end of the month.
You can use SMART goals in so many aspects of you life: personally, professionally, etc. By taking one step at a time, moving forward with a very clear goal in mind, you are more likely to achieve success in all of the things that you attempt.