Marketing strategy is the process of planning and executing the conception, pricing, promotion, and...
TSH Marketing and AMA’s Standards
“The American Marketing Association commits to the highest standards of ethical norms and values. We recognize that the marketing community not only serves organizations but also acts as a steward of society in creating and facilitating the transactions and experiences that drive the greater economy” (AMA, 2023).
The first thing to understand is that we can do no harm. Harming another person, business, the community will always come back on you and your business. Word spreads quickly. We want to make sure that every move we make as marketers is in line with high standards of enriching the community around us. Having high integrity and values is also an important part of our business in marketing.
When doing an integrated marketing campaign we must keep all of these things in mind. Utilizing social media and several other platforms to advertise for a company brings with it different sets of rules and challenges based on the platform. We have to make sure we obtain demographics in an honest way. Also, we must make sure that we are using the information potential customers give us properly, and not selling it to 3rd parties, keeping leads safe and secure.
When these rules are not followed, the community at large can lose faith in the company. People well begin questioning products, methods, etc. Word spreads like fire. TSH Marketing holds the highest standards when it comes to marketing practices and you can trust us to do the right thing for your business and the community.
AMA statement of ethics. American Marketing Association. (2023, May 26).